Technology medicine - Career Watch 2002 - Careers 2002ANIEL FLAKE, 19, A MIDSHIPMAN AT THE U.S. NAVAL Academy in Annapolis, Maryland, always dreamed of becoming an astronaut and traveling to Mars.


AAFP testifies to congress in support of family medicine training - Newsletter - American Academy of Family Physicians' Warren Jones testifies - Brief ArticleAmerican Academy of Family Physicians (AAFP) Board Chair Warren Jones, M.D., Ridgeland, Miss., recently testified before a subcommittee of the House Appropriations Committee to urge Congress to continue supporting training in family medicine.


Involvement of family and community medicine professionals in community projects - JFP Online* OBJECTIVE Medical schools are being challenged to continue their excellence in education, research, and patient care while responding to the health needs of the public.


The critical care medicine crisis: a call for federal action : a white paper from the critical care professional societiesIn the United States, shortages of qualified health-care professionals have created a major threat to the availability and quality of critical care services for seriously ill patients.


NCCAM seeks scientific answers on CAM for cancer: complementary and alternative medicine at the NIH

This year, over 1.3 million Americans will find out that they have cancer. A major public health concern, cancer was the second-leading cause of death in the United States in 2001.



Epistemology of naturopathic

Epistemology of naturopathic medicine: toward a model of clinical investigation culminating in transformative experienceWhen we understand that man is the only animal who must create meaning,
who must open a wedge into neutral nature.

Professionalism in medicine

Professionalism in medicine: the new authorityShe usually gets up around 7 a.m., but today she is up at 5:30 a.m. She is about to leave for the hospital to have breast.

Exploring impact of technology

Exploring impact of technology in medicineEXPLORING IMPACT OF TECHNOLOGY IN MEDICINE: Actor Hill Harper, who plays a forensic pathologist.

National Library of Medicine

National Library of Medicine and Drug Information. Part 1: Present Resources*, TheThe National Library of Medicine began in 1836 as a small collection of books in the office.

Assessment of the information

Assessment of the information needs and use of information resources on complementary and alternative medicine by Alberta family physiciansAssessment of the information needs and use of information resources on complementary.